I’m Janet Beatty
The Business Conversation is about helping business owners develop companies that work better, serve their customers better, take care of their people, and give their owners more of the life they dream of.
My favorite way to support business owners on this journey is through weekly coaching sessions. I start by presenting the full picture, what “Done” looks like, and then map a plan to get there. While the work is done on the business, my experience is that it is also done on the owner. As the owner grows, the business grows.
If you are interested, I’d be glad to offer you a free Coaching Session to give you some new insights into why your company is operating the way it is, and see if business coaching is something that could help you. You can ask for a free session by emailing me at janet@thebusinessconversation.com.
Our communities, countries, and world are made stronger every time a business owner succeeds in developing a healthy, sustainable company. Let me know if there is anything I can do to support you in that.